Tourism in Gijón

Discover Gijón

Gastronomy in Gijón: An Adventure of Flavors and Traditions

The cider: Ambassador of gastronomy in Gijón - tradition, taste and coastal charm

Sidra de Trabanco

The cider, the golden elixir of Asturias, is not simply a drink, but a fundamental piece of culture and gastronomy in Gijón.This coastal city, bathed by the Cantabrian and surrounded by Green Prados, houses a tradition rooted in the production and enjoyment of this refreshing and bubbly drink.
The Asturian cider stands out for its unique flavor, obtained from the careful fermentation of native apples.In Gijón, the ritual of scanning cider becomes an art, where the Sidrero master pours the liquid from a considerable height to oxygenate and highlight its flavors.This act, in addition to being a skill, is a cultural experience that Gijón visitors do not easily forget.
Gijonese gastronomy merges naturally with the cider.Traditional dishes such as the Asturian fabada, the cachopo or the tasty Verdinas are enhanced with the perfect pairing provided by the cider.The Gijoneses premises, connoisseurs of this culinary symbiosis, offer welcoming spaces where you can enjoy authentic gastronomic feasts accompanied by the sparkling apple nectar.
Chigres, typical Asturian bars, are places where cider and social life Gijón converge.Here, both locists and tourists meet to share laughs, stories and, of course, toast with this golden elixir.
The cider is not just a drink in Gijón;It is a symbol of hospitality, tradition and union.Explore the gastronomy of this coastal city without delighting with a good cider would be to miss a fundamental part of its authentic charm and flavor.

Sweet Tradition in Gijón: Casadiellas, Treasures of Asturian Gastronomy


The Casadiellas, sweet delicacies that delight Asturian palates, are an essential element in Gijón's gastronomic scene.Stuffed with nuts, sugar and anise, wrapped in a crunchy mass, these delicacies represent the coastal city's pasture tradition.
In Gijón, they are a distinctive of traditional pastry, present in selected bakeries and homes that preserve ancestral recipes.Its unmistakable aroma and its crispy texture attract locals and visitors.
The artisanal process to elaborate casadiellas reflects care and dedication transmitted by generations.Each bite transports to the essence of the local gastronomic tradition, especially with the distinctive touch of Asturian nuts.
These delights, protagonists on festivities and celebrations, share the gastronomic legacy of Asturias.In Gijón, they are much more than sweet;They represent the rich culinary heritage that captivates those who seek authenticity and flavor in local gastronomy.

Emblematic delight: the Gijón cake, treasure of gastronomy in Gijón

tarta de Turron

The Gijonese cake, a real pleasure for the senses, is a culinary jewel that shines with its own light on the gastronomic scene of Gijón.This exquisite dessert, recognized for its soft texture and its unmistakable flavor, is a sweet and delicious representation of the city's gastronomic identity.
This delight consists of fine cake layers bathed in a soft liquor and stuffed with a cream based on almonds and butter.Its impeccable presentation, decorated with a thin layer of glaze and fillet almonds, makes each portion a edible work of art.
The Gijonese cake is not only a delicacy for the palate, but also a symbol of the region's pasture mastery.In Gijón, it can be found in the best pastries and restaurants, where she is admired and enjoyed by locals and visitors equally.
Each tablespoon of this cake is a sensory trip that captures the very essence of Asturian pastries.The contrast between the soft sponge cake and the creaminess of the almond leaves a lasting impression on those who have the pleasure of trying it.
This masterpiece of the Gijonese pastry is not only a dessert, but an experience that surrounds those who try it in the rich tradition and love for the authentic flavors that defines the cuisine of the city.
The Gijonese cake is much more than a dessert;It is a tribute to gastronomic refinement and the passion to delight the senses with exquisite flavors, thus becoming an essential for those who seek to discover the real sweetness of the kitchen in Gijón.

From Cantabrian to your dish: Fresh Fish and Seafood in Gijón's gastronomy

Gijón, bathed by the waters of the Cantabrian, is a gastronomic paradise for fish lovers and fresh seafood.With an entrenched fishing tradition, this coastal city offers a unique culinary experience thanks to the quality and variety of products that come directly from the sea.
Gijón restaurants are known for offering authentic mangars of the sea.From the emblematic dish of ‘pixín’ (monkfish) to the delicious ‘xarás’ (nécoras), each bite is a tribute to freshness and flavor uniquely of local fish and seafood.
Gijón's fish market is the epicenter of its culinary scene.Each dawning, local fishermen download their catches.These fresh products undergo careful selection by experts, thus supplying markets and restaurants.This routine ensures that diners enjoy the best of the Cantabrian Sea, guaranteeing authentic flavors on each dish.
The emblematic dishes, such as the ‘fish soup’, the ‘fabada with seafood’ or the ‘beautiful empanadas’, are just some samples of Gijón's culinary creativity when merging the taste of the sea with local ingredients.
In addition to the restaurants, the beach bars throughout the promenade offer a more informal but equally delicious experience.Sitting in front of the sea while a dish of ‘squid to the Roman’ or ‘octopus to the cider’ is savored is an experience that surrounds visitors in the very essence of Gijón: the sea, fresh food and the relaxed atmosphere.
In Gijón, fish and seafood are not simply ingredients, but the very essence of a culinary tradition rooted in local culture and that delights all those who seek an authentic, tasty and sea gastronomic experience.

Asturian traditional gastronomy

fabada asturiana

Traditional Asturian dishes have an outstanding place.From the Asturian fabada, stew of bearers with sausage, to the horny, a pie fillet stuffed with ham and cheese, each dish is a tribute to the culinary heritage.