Tourism in Gijón

Discover Gijón

Activities in Gijón: Live Unique Experiences in the City

Activities in Gijón

Discover Surf's emotion on the Asturian coast


Explore the exciting activities in Gijón with a special approach in the exciting world of surfing.Immerse yourself in the dynamic waters of the Asturian coast and discover a unique experience while you dominate the waves of Gijón, one of the most exciting options for your adventure in this coastal city.

Activity description

Surf in Gijón is one of the most prominent activities.With vibrant waters, lovely beaches and a surf scene in constant evolution, this activity attracts enthusiasts of all skills.From lessons for beginners to challenges for experts, submit yourself in the fascinating world of surfing in one of the most exciting cities in Asturias.

Water motorcycles in Gijón: experience the aquatic emotion on the Asturian coast

Motos de agua

Explore the adrenaline of water motorcycles in Gijón, an aquatic experience of pure emotion in the vibrant Asturian coast.Immerse yourself in this aquatic adventure and enjoy an exciting activity that will take you through the crystalline waters of Gijón.

Activity description

Water motorcycles in Gijón are an exciting way to enjoy the Cantabrian Sea.With the marine breeze stroking your face and the roar of the engine under you, experience the emotion of furrowing the waves in one of the most captivating coasts of Asturias.From panoramic walks to exciting tours, subdue yourself in this unique experience.

Paintball in Gijón: Discover the emotion of strategy and fun


The Paintball in Gijón offers an exciting experience for friends, families and teams.With specialized fields, challenging scenarios and high quality teams, subdue you in strategic battles full of fun and emotion.From beginner players to experts, this activity guarantees an experience full of action and camaraderie.
If you want to get more information:Paintball

Escape Room in Gijón: Live the emotion of solving mysteries and challenges

escape room

Set in the emotion of the escape rooms in Gijón, a unique experience full of mystery, intrigue and challenges.Immerse yourself in a world of enigmas and adventures that will test your ingenuity and teamwork in the vibrant coastal city of Asturias.

Activity description

Gijón's escape offers a captivating experience for friends, families and teams.With fascinating thematic rooms, challenging riddles and immersive scenarios, prepare for an experience in which time runs while working against the clock to solve enigmas and escape.From beginners to experts, each room offers a unique and exciting adventure.

If you want to keep knowing Gijón:Tourism in Gijón