Tourism in Gijón

Discover Gijón

Events in Gijón: Enjoy the Cultural and Social Life of the City


Gijón Carnival

carnaval de Gijón

The Carnival of Gijón, one of the most anticipated events in the vibrant cultural agenda of the city.Fill the streets with a deployment of color and joy.Held between February and March, this festival captivates residents and visitors equally with their energetic parades.Costume competitions of all kinds and an incredible festive atmosphere.

During these days, Gijón becomes a fantasy scenario where ingenuity and fun do not know limits.From the streets of the old town to the big boulevards, the carnival carries with it a contagious atmosphere of holiday and uproar.Where people of all ages come together to enjoy music, dance and big costumes.

The parades, full of decorated floats and disguised groups, are the climax of the event, attracting crowds that applaud and add to the party.In addition, costume competitions show the skill and genius of the members, who compete with incredible costumes.

The Gijón Carnival reflects the ingenuity and joy of the city.It is a time to let creativity fly, to enjoy the company of friends and family.To immerse yourself in a unique atmosphere full of magic and fun, an unmissable experience within the wide range of events in Gijón.

The 2024 program is already available and you can download it here:Carnival.


Feria Europea de Artes Escénicas

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of the European Fair of Performing Arts for Children (FENTE) in Gijón.This annual event, dedicated to the performing arts aimed at children and youth.It is a fascinating meeting that brings together professionals and companies of theater, dance, circus and other artistic disciplines throughout Europe.

Feten offers a wide variety of actions and activities designed to captivate and entertain the youngest.From colorful theatrical assemblies and incredible circus numbers to moving dance interpretations.Every corner of this fair is impregnated with ingenuity and magic to delight children, youth and families.

One of the most prominent aspects of Feten is its diversity and artistic quality.Companies present their most modern and incredible productions.Creating a dynamic environment that invites you to explore new forms of artistic expression and enjoy high level actions.

In addition to the actions, workshops and professional meetings enrich the experience of FENTE.These spaces allow the exchange of ideas and the promotion of ingenuity between experts and love arts lovers.

The vibrant atmosphere full of enthusiasm that distinguishes Fenten makes Gijón the European epicenter of performing arts.For children and young people during these days.This fair becomes a meeting space for fun.Creating unique memories for small visitors and their families.

Immerse yourself at the Gijón Sound Festival: Music and avant -garde at Gijón's events

Gijón Sound Festival

Immerse yourself in the vibrant musical stage of Gijón Sound Festival, an annual event that elevates the Asturian city to a demonstration of unique sounds and rhythms.This festival, which usually takes place in mid -November.It is a festival in which music becomes the beat that animates the city.

The Gijón Sound Festival is an experience that attracts melómanos and music lovers everywhere.With a variety of scenarios distributed throughout the city, from iconic theaters to small stores.This festival offers live performances by national and international artists that cover diverse musical genres.

The event is not only limited to concerts but also that there are also workshops, talks and cultural activities complement the experience.Providing opportunities to connect with artists and explore music from creative perspectives.

Gijón's strategic location adds a special dimension to the festival.Concerts and events take place in iconic points.From the Jovellanos Theater to more intimate spaces in the heart of the city, creating a unique and enveloping atmosphere.

The Gijón Sound Festival is a tribute to musical diversity and the vibrant artistic scene of the city.Attracting music fans to celebrate creativity, passion and connection that music offers.

If you need more information aboutGijón Sound Festival

Experience the L.E.V.Festival: Innovation and art in Gijón's events

LEV festival

Immerse yourself in the world of artistic avant -garde with the L.E.V.Festival (Visual Electronics Laboratory).One of the outstanding events between the events in Gijón, which uniquely fuses experimental electronic music and the most innovative visual expressions.Celebrated mainly in Gijón, this festival has become an international reference at the intersection of sound, light, technology and creativity.

The L.E.V.Festival is a space for discovery and exploration, where the borders between the sound and visual are blurred.During the event, attendees have the opportunity to immerse themselves in live performances by world renowned artists.As well as experiencing surprising audiovisual facilities that challenge the limits of perception.

One of the distinctive characteristics of L.E.V.It is your multidisciplinary approach.Beyond concerts and live performances, the festival offers a wide range of experiences.They include immersive projections, interactive workshops, conferences and exhibitions that invite to reflect on the relationship between music, art and technology.

Gijón becomes the epicenter of creativity and experimentation during the L.E.V.Festival.Attracting artists and lovers of the artistic avant -garde around the world.The different venues distributed throughout the city provide a diverse and dynamic scenario.For this unique encounter that awakens the curiosity and imagination of all those who participate in it.

If you need more information aboutL.E.V.Festival




Enter yourself in Gijón's cultural heart and discover the iconic metropolis.Located in the vibrant center of the city, this iconic theater is a lighthouse of artistic expression and local fun.

The metropolis is much more than a simple show space.It is a nerve point for the performing arts that, throughout the year, houses a diversity of cultural events.From theatrical performances and concerts to film projections and special events.

This historic cultural institution stands as a meeting point for the community, with its distinctive architecture and a cozy environment.That hugs both local artists and international talents.

The metropolis is in the heart of the city.Allowing attendees not only to enjoy their rich cultural offer, but also immerse themselves in Gijón's bustling life.With its surroundings full of restaurants and leisure premises.This theater becomes the epicenter of enriching experiences both inside and outside its doors.

The dates can vary throughout the year, but the metropolis always remains a constant cultural reference in Gijón's life.Offering a window to artistic expression and quality entertainment.

If you need more information about theMetropolis

Hoguera de San Juan

Get ready to immerse yourself in the magical tradition of the bonfire of San Juan in Gijón.This lovely event, which takes place every year on June 23, is a party full of symbolism, fire and joy.The Asturian city illuminates with the fascinating atmosphere of this holiday rooted in local culture.

The bonfire of San Juan is much more than an event;It is a moment of communion between tradition and fun.The beaches, in particular the beach of San Lorenzo, become the perfect scenario for this event.Where bonfires illuminate the night and create a mystical and festive atmosphere.

The ritual of turning on the bonfires marks the beginning of this party.Followed by activities such as dances around fire, live music and pyrotechnic shows that illuminate the night sky.The atmosphere is full of joy, laughs and the emotion of sharing this moment with friends and family.

Gijón's coastal location adds a special charm to this party.The combination of fire with the marine breeze creates a unique experience that attracts visitors and premises equally.

The stake of San Juan is an event that unites the community at a summer party full of tradition and fun.Creating lasting memories for all who participate in this pleasant holiday.


Semana negra de Gijón

Discover the incredible black week of Gijón, an event that immerses mystery lovers and intrigue in a unique literary experience.This annual party, which usually takes place in early July, stands out in the cultural calendar of the Asturian city.During this week, the Gijón fairgrounds is transformed into a vibrant epicenter of activities dedicated to criminal literature and black genre.

The environment is magnificent: Recognized and reading fond of reading meet to enjoy literary presentations, exciting debates and a variety of cultural activities.The event is not limited only to books.If not that offers a diverse range of artistic expressions, from live music to street art exhibitions.

The fairgrounds becomes an enveloping scenario, where the tent and dedicated spaces host the intriguing talks of authors, discussion and projections panels.In addition, the proximity to the Paseo Marítimo offers a spectacular view of the Cantabrian Sea, adding a special charm to this incredible literary encounter.

In addition to the main attraction of literature, black week is also enriched with local food stalls.Creating a delicious fusion between Asturian gastronomic culture and the literary world.The diversity of activities and contagious energy make this event an unmissable experience for all those who visit Gijón at this time of year.

If you need more information about theBlack Week


Explore the International Samples Fair in Asturias: Outstanding events in Gijón

eria Internacional de Muestras en Asturias

The Asturias International Trade Fair (FIDMA) stands as one of the essential pillars on the events agenda in Gijón. This event, celebrated every year during the month of August. It becomes a venue that shows the best of Asturian commerce, industry and culture.

Located in Gijón, this internationally renowned fair brings together national and international companies, offering a wide range of products and services in its pavilions. From technological innovations to traditional artisanal products, FIDMA is a melting pot of experiences for visitors.

The expansive fairgrounds become a vibrant space where business, entertainment and culture intertwine. Commercial stands showcase the economic diversity of Asturias, while cultural activities, concerts and artistic exhibitions captivate attendees.

FIDMA, beyond being a trade fair, is a reflection of the identity and dynamism of the region. Its presence on the events agenda in Gijón provides a window into the Asturian business and cultural world. Becoming an incredible experience for those looking to explore the best of the region in one place.

Live the emotion of events in Gijón: big week, culture, tradition and fun in Asturias

Semana grande de Gijón

Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of events in Gijón.The big week, an annual festival that usually takes place at the end of August, is the climax of the summer in the Asturian city.During this week, the streets are filled with life and emotion, offering a party that combines tradition, culture and fun.

With open-air concerts, cultural activities for all ages and nightly fireworks shows, the festive atmosphere takes over the city.

Gijón's coastal location adds a special dimension to these celebrations. The events take place at different iconic points. From the Paseo de la Playa de San Lorenzo to the Isabel la Católica Park, offering a variety of settings for festive activities.

In addition to the entertainment offer, the events in Gijón are also a tribute to Asturian gastronomy. The food stalls offer local delicacies ranging from traditional dishes to innovative culinary creations, providing a feast for food lovers.

The events in Gijón are a reflection of the vitality and welcoming spirit of the city. Attracting visitors and locals alike to celebrate the diversity, culture and joy that distinguishes these iconic events.

Enjoy the charm of the events in Gijón: Natural cider party, tradition and Asturian flavor

Fiesta de la Sidra Natural

The Natural Cider Festival stands as one of the most anticipated events in the vibrant events agenda in Gijón. This festival takes place in August, it is a tribute to the unique drink in Asturias: cider.

Nestled in northern Spain, Gijón becomes the epicenter of this holiday.That invites the locals and visitors to immerse themselves in the culture and tradition of Sidrera.The docks and squares are transformed into scenarios for tastings, tastings and exhibitions, where the essence and art of scanning the cider is exalted.

The Natural Cider Festival offers a unique sensory experience. The characteristic sound of pouring, which consists of pouring cider from an elevated bottle. It resonates in the air as it mixes with traditional music and festive bustle. Attendees enjoy not only the refreshing taste of natural cider, but also the skill and skill of the professional pourers.

This event, beyond being a gastronomic festival, is a tribute to the Asturian identity and its rich cider tradition. The Natural Cider Festival in Gijón offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. Adding a unique flavor and authentic experience to the diverse offering of events in the city.

This event usually lasts several days. In which there is one in which the town hall is filled with stalls with different types of ciders. Which you can try all of them and repeat as many times as you want with the payment of a low-value entry fee.

Another day is dedicated to the Guinness record for simultaneous pouring, which Gijón has and tries to beat every year. This event you can go with a glass of cider or purchase it there. They will give you a bottle of cider while you wait on the beach to simultaneously pour around 9,000 people.


Gijón International Film Festival

Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijón

The Gijón International Film Festival stands out as one of the most relevant events in the cultural life of the city. This festival, held annually, brings together film buffs, directors and lovers of the seventh art from all over the world in an event that celebrates cinematographic diversity.

Located in Gijón, this festival offers a platform for innovative films, emerging directors and works that challenge conventions. The screenings, which cover a wide range of genres and styles. They take place in various spaces in the city, from iconic theaters to outdoor projections under the Asturian sky.

The Gijón International Film Festival is not only an opportunity to enjoy unique and exciting films. But also to participate in debates, workshops and meetings with leading figures from the world of cinema. This party, beyond being a cinematographic exhibition. It is a space for exploration, dialogue and the discovery of new perspectives through the universal language of cinema.

Its presence on the events agenda in Gijón offers a window into the world of international cinema. Enriching the cultural life of the city and providing a unique experience for those seeking to immerse themselves in the magic of the seventh art.

If you need more information about theGijón International Film Festival


The San Silvesre of Gijón

San Silvesre de Gijón

The San Silvestre de Gijón is a popular race that is celebrated every year on December 31, coinciding with the festival of San Silvestre. It is a sporting and festive event that attracts runners of all ages and levels. As well as spectators who gather along the route to cheer on the participants.

This race, which usually has several modalities and distances to adapt to different abilities, runs through the best-known streets of Gijón. From professional runners to amateurs looking to enjoy a festive and healthy atmosphere, San Silvestre de Gijón promotes sport and community spirit.

In addition to the competitive aspect, this race becomes a colorful and joyful party. Many participants choose festive outfits or costumes to immerse themselves in the spirit of the occasion, thus creating a jovial and festive atmosphere.

The San Silvestre de Gijón is not only an opportunity to practice sports and promote an active lifestyle. But also a way to say goodbye to the year in company, filling the streets of the city with positive energy and enthusiasm. While welcoming the new year that is yet to come.

The route of this race is usually six and a half kilometers and the route mostly passes through San Lorenzo beach. The time is twelve in the morning although these data may vary from one year to the next.

If you want to continue knowing interesting facts about Gijón:Tourism in Gijón